Fulfilling demand

Fulfilling demand

  If the pie’s not big enough, make a bigger pie. Fulfilling customer demand is the primary objective for any business. It involves accurately anticipating customer needs, ensuring product availability, and delivering goods or services in a timely manner. Meeting...
The value of teamwork

The value of teamwork

  None of us is as smart as all of us. Way back in the 1920s the Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo, highlighted the importance of groups in affecting the behaviour of individuals at work. Fast forward to today and workplace design has evolved from solo...
Creating sustainable growth

Creating sustainable growth

We live in uncertain times, but it’s still possible to grow your business in a sustainable way. Globally, 2024 could be a year that is full of economic uncertainty. It’s an election year in the UK and the USA. Interest rates remain high, and inflation is still high...
Tackling the gender pay gap

Tackling the gender pay gap

A multifaceted approach is needed in order to close the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap has been declining slowly over time and in the last decade it has fallen considerably. However, there is more work to be done, to ensure that employees are paid equally for...